About Me

Nikita Smetanko


Hard-working Computer Science Diploma graduate, with experience in web-based applications. Participated in the development and implementation of web-based solutions. Acquiring and applying new complex technology concepts in a short period of time.

Douglas College

Computer Science (Diploma)

Sep 2019 - Aug 2021

Courses in advanced integrated software development, systems analysis & design, and virtualization & computer networking have helped me obtain the skills to accurately organize, analyze, and interpret data, assess and solve complex problems, and be proficient in object-oriented programming.

Nodejs course


Jul 2021 - Aug 2021

I have completed an online course where:
▪ I have learned advanced Nodejs concepts.
▪ Built RESTful services with Express.
▪ Obtained a solid understanding of asynchronous JavaScript.
▪ Improved my knowledge of how Authentication and Authorization processes work.
▪ Used built-in and custom validators to validate user's input.
▪ Learned how to handle rejected promises and log errors.
▪ Touched on the fundamentals of the unit and integration testing.


Web Development Intern

Mar 2018 - Jun 2018

▪ Developed a web application with a team for a local bank that met customer needs.
▪ Participated in project development through the entire Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).
▪ Designed and implemented web components across new and existing designs.
▪ Built user interface with a JavaScript framework (Vue.js), HTML, and SCSS.
▪ Maintained quality assurance through code testing and cross-browser testing.
▪ Troubleshoot and debugged code by ensuring compatibility with devices.
▪ Presented project to management and released web application to clients.
▪ Studied complicated project requirements with assigned technical lead and planned development strategies.

Love 2 Code


Aug 2016 - Jul 2017

My first experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery. By the end of the course, I had a strong understanding of Front End Development and improved problem-solving skills.